17th of April 2005

Modification to cooling system "monster" tubing.

Click to see big picture (1280x960 pixels, 128 KB))

1. This was what I had last year. This goes between the intake to the pump and the intake manifold, separating off the smaller tube to the expansion tank. Quite a complex piece of equipment that leaked just a teeny weeny bit and after a run I could find a few drops of coolant on the floor. Not ideal and something I wanted to remedy but to get at this thing, I had to remove the engine, so not an easy task to do. But since I had to take the engine out to properly do the sump gasket and also change flywheel, I took care of this thing also.

Click to see big picture (1280x960 pixels, 147 KB))

2. Same view, added numbers so you can keep track of which opening is which. 1. is to the intake manifold, 2. is to the pump, 3. goes to the expansion tank and 4. goes to the radiator.

Click to see big picture (1280x960 pixels, 131 KB))

3. Another view.

Click to see big picture (768x1024 pixels, 128 KB))

4. Here's the replacement, made in one piece with all welded construction, i.e. risk of failure much lower and when I took the pictures, I could hope there weren't any leaks, but today, 17th of April, I know it doesn't leak :)

Click to see big picture (1024x768 pixels, 139 KB))

5. Another view.

Click to see big picture (768x1024 pixels, 135 KB))

6. View from below.